The United Heritage H. Ralph Wilburn Memorial Scholarship Committee presented a $5,000 scholarship to Amanda Farrar on June 25 at the Dell Diamond in Round Rock, Texas where the Round Rock Express minor league baseball team plays. This year, the United Heritage Charity Foundation received the highest number of submissions in comparison to recent years and expanded the number of schools within the counties it serves. Out of all the Central and East Texas high school seniors that applied, Amanda Farrar was chosen based on how she excels academically and how she exemplifies the credit union philosophy of 'People Helping People'. All applicants were reviewed based on their community & civic service, extracurricular activities, essay, and scholastic performance.
The Scholarship Committee considered a number of applications before selecting Ms. Farrar as the 2023 United Heritage H. Ralph Wilburn Memorial Scholarship recipient. "Ms. Farrar is a very motivated student. She has a clear connection between her high school career and her end goal of researching and helping the fight against Parkinson's disease," United Heritage Charity Foundation Chairman Chelsea Schrimpf said. "We are excited to choose Ms. Farrar as our scholarship recipient. She epitomizes so many of the qualities valued by the Scholarship Committee and the Charity Foundation."
The mission of the United Heritage H. Ralph Wilburn Memorial Scholarship is to help grow and support service-oriented young people with a strong focus on higher education. The Scholarship Committee has awarded more than $120,000 to scholarship recipients over the 20+ year scholarship history.
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United Heritage Charity Foundation Presents Annual $5,000 Scholarship