All UHCU branches will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Branches will be open for normal business hours on Tuesday, January 21.
Whether you're just starting out on your own or considering retirement, there are several financial tips that apply to everyone. Below are a few that we believe come in handy no matter where you are in life.
creating budget on laptopcreating budget on laptop

Building Credit

Understanding the different types of credit and how each affects your financial well-being is crucial. Learn more from United Heritage.

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Financial Tips

Whether you're just starting out on your own or considering retirement, there are several financial tips that United Heritage believes apply to everyone.

woman and piggy bankwoman and piggy bank


Making your money work for you through investments takes some know-how. Learn the difference between an IRA, 401k and a typical savings account.

man on laptopman on laptop

Fraud Protection

Learn what United Heritage is doing to protect your identity and how you can protect yourself from financial fraud.

pregnant woman and partnerpregnant woman and partner

Life Event Planning

Whether you’re wondering how to buy a car, buying a home or experiencing another important life event, United Heritage is here with helpful information and tips.